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Re: [eclipselink-users] How can I generate tables from entities?

    Your directory structure looks fine - specifically the position of persistence.xml off of META-INF is good.
    You may use the following EclipseLink JPA SE schema generation example as a reference.
    There are differences in my database url (which includes a valid schema - IE no "null" schema) and ddl generation properties that include dropping the tables before recreating them - on each run.

<property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables" />

    For point #6 where you get a signed jar exception after adding eclipselink to your project...
    - you can use the following unsigned persistence jar - I had the same issue when initially setting up Tomcat for SE persistence a couple days ago.

    - the deprecated jdbc properties are ok - just change to using javax.persistence prefixes for the future

    For point #7
    - I have specified my schema on the url
    - I have modified sequence generation on my entity from the original Dali entity source generation.

    thank you

Gerhard Kratz wrote:

my e-mail client seems to have a line-feed aversion. What seems important to me with the directory structure is:
- that file persistence.xml seems to be in the right place, namely in the subdirectory META-INF
- a class file has been generated

best regards

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