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Re: [eclipselink-users] Defaults for @Table and @Column names

natjohns wrote:
Since we are on the topic, do you know if other JPA implementations have similar proprietary hooks?
Most are focused on the spec but they probably have some means of customizing.  The issue will be if they have the right hooks.  EclipseLink is *very* customizable.  You have lots of life cycle hooks for transactions, domain objects, query execution, etc. along with hooks for customizing metadata.  Underneath EclipseLink JPA is the full "native" EclipseLink API which supports a number of features that are not included in the JPA spec.  Many of these have been exposed through annotations and, soon, orm.xml for ease of configuration.  But if you ever need to drop down to the native API, as in this case, the option is always there.


Shaun Smith wrote:
Hi Nate,

    EclipseLink implements the defaults according to the JPA spec but you can use a customizer to override those defaults.   I've attached a quickly thrown together example.  It doesn't cover all the cases but should give you an idea of what you can do.  In my example I prefixed all table names with "T_" but you can do the camel to underscore conversion instead.

   The essential idea is to use a session customizer to change the default table names after EclipseLink has set them.  The customerizer is "model.MyCustomizer" and it's enabled by adding
           <property name="eclipselink.session.customizer" value="model.MyCustomizer"/>
 to the persistence.xml.

    I'm not sure if the JPA 2.0 spec will support a pluggable or configurable Java name/Database naming strategy but I've passed your email on to Mike Kieth who's on the JPA expert group.


natjohns wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the way that JPA (or the eclipselink implemenation) generates default names for tables and columns when using the @Table and @Column annotations?  Or if this is being talked about for version 2 of the JPA spec?

What I'd like is something similar to what Grails does, where they change the camel capped Java names to underscores.  Here's an example:

Say you have an EmployeeInfo class and one of the members is defaultHomePhoneNumber.

Current Default in JPA:


It's kind of hard to read.  If we could specify a policy, say the camel caps to underscore policy, it would look like this:

Table name:  EMPLOYEE_INFO

Thanks all!  And I apoligize if this has been talked about already... I couldn't find anything in the searches.

eclipselink-users mailing list


Oracle <>
Shaun Smith | Principal Product Manager, TopLink | +1.905.502.3094
Oracle Fusion Middleware
110 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5R 3P4


Shaun Smith | Principal Product Manager, TopLink | +1.905.502.3094
Oracle Fusion Middleware
110 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5R 3P4

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