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Re: [] Does Simultaneous release mean that we release on the same day

First, that locking down a large set of software and releasing together is anachronistic, and second that "being loosey-goosey" with what gets resolved is scary. 

no, that trying to develop everything all at once and have everything under the sun release at once on the same magical day is anachronistic

this goes hand in hand with the 'loosey-goosey' comment because you have versions of software up and down the entire stack in flux until the very end...and osgi+p2 encourage it by the idea that your software is dependent on some open range of versions and its not until you build that you end up with a specific version, couple that with non-durable repositories of artifacts that come and go....

call me old fashioned but I rather like depending on version 4.8.1 of junit and updating to 4.8.2 should be a conscious decision of mine...maybe I am the anachronism in that respect :) 

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