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[] Minutes European Marketing WG July 14th

Hi everyone -

Here are the minutes from last week's call.  


European Marketing Working Group
Minutes, July 14th 16:00 CET

1 - News and Updates

Feedback on Eclipse Days
EclipseTime 2009, 23-24 June, Toulouse
Eclipse Embedded Day - June 25th, Stuttgart
Eclipse Application Developer Day - July 7th, Karlsruhe
- all events had good turnouts, opportunities for leads and high quality program

Eclipse Insurance Day, Cologne, September 30th
- announcement PR complete, website live

2 - Eclipse Summit Europe, Ludwigsburg, Oct 27-29
- Hendrik Hoefer

Hendrik Hoefer - program chair
Ralph Mueller - for information on sponsorships

Program Format - submissions due 18 August

Tutorials and Symposia - day 1
- roughly 50/50, depending on submissions - symposia lend themselves to projects that want to reach out to their community

Talks -
- customer presentations are especially interesting

Sponsored talks
- extra track for sponsored talks - talks will be vetted by the PC
- product talk - an in-depth technical presentation on the product, examples of software in large IT companies

- IDE, Embedded, Modeling, Misc (N&N, etc)

Promoting ESE
- website banners are available
- start serious promotion in September
- can start blogging now on submissions

More updates follow

3 - Galileo Feedback - Lynn / Ian

- downloads are healthy - not a million yet
- webinar series - 2 days after release - 1000 registrations over 5 hours, 500-600 attended
- demo camps - gathering feedback now, more attendees over all cities
- blogathon - continues - highest number of entries ever - can still enter
- comment from the group is that Galileo had the bst organization and coverage ever by the Foundation

4 - English JAX Portal - from Nadja
This is a preview of the site - but its open for contributions.  Please contact N(adja)Outmani, H(artmut)Schlosser or C(laudia)Froehling at 

5 - Joint Conferences

Devoxx 2009 takes place during
the week of November 16th in Antwerp (Belgium) MetroPolis.
- seems worthwhile for lead generation and meeting students
- Lynn will look into it - for next call - add to agenda

Linux Tage, Berlin 24-27 June, IDG conference, 12,000 attendees
- focus on European conferences - need to try to find conferences that are relevant for central Europe (all members)

6 - Reminders

Summer schedule
We'll go to 'summer schedule - once per month meetings until August.  Next call will be:
Tuesday, August 11th, we'll return to the bi-weekly schedule. 

The meeting/webinar ID is 796-850-066.  You can join using either VoIP or phone.
If you plan to join using VoIP, some time in advance of the call, go to to register and you will be given a unique URL.  You will only have to register once as the same URL will be used for our future working group calls.

If you plan to join by phone, the numbers are:

Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 0452
Belgium: +32 (0) 38 08 0292
Denmark: +45 69 91 84 59
Finland: +358 (0) 341 08 9275
France: +33 (0) 581 180 754
Germany: +49 (0) 895 4998 6517
Ireland: +353 (0) 15 262 855
Italy: +39 (0) 916 19 33 14
Netherlands: +31 (0) 202 629 698
Norway: +47 85 22 68 45
Spain: +34 (0) 925 67 0951
Sweden: +46 (0) 770 791 805
Switzerland: +41 (0) 415 0008 65
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 161 660 8220
United States: +1 516 453 0014 

Access Code: 143-086-073

Eclipse contact data project -
Next steps
- interested companies get together offline to pursue pilot
- find alternative research companies - Joern and Katharina will look for alternatives

Eclipse Banking Day - France
- Actuate, Obeo,
- targetting September 2009 - in progress

Eclipse Italy, Sept 22-23rd, Bari

Eclipse Now You Can, Paris - in planning for Oct 20th


- Eclipse members training calendar - on the wiki for all member training courses
- Eclipse Banner is now available for shared use by European members.
- Eclipse Brochures are available on

Susan Iwai
Communications Project Manager


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