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Re: [] EclipseCon Europe 2013

Thanks Sebastian…… 

I like your ideas and added Scott Hanselmann to the list…..

I am wondering if any other PC member has time to post his ideas toooo ???? :-) (I vaguely remember that there are 8 members ???)

Von: Sebastian Zarnekow <Sebastian.Zarnekow@xxxxxxxxx>
Antworten an: Eclipsecon list <>
Datum: Mittwoch, 28. November 2012 18:36
An: Eclipsecon list <>
Betreff: Re: [] EclipseCon Europe 2013

Hi Christian,

see inline.

On 28.11.2012, at 13:55, Campo, Christian wrote:

Hi Program Committee Members,

here is my first email about ECE 2013.

The members of the PC are named:

I am not sure that I spoke with everyone from last year who should also be in this year. I spoke to most of you whether you can also be in PC 2013. (not sure about Simon and Jonas). So hope you are all on board.

Last year (2012) went pretty well I think so we are not changing too much. I wanted Sebastian to be on the PC and since I don't more than one person from one company I had to remove Alexander although he did an excellent job.

Most of you knows the procedure and the tasks that are necessary except Sebastian and its my task to fill him in.

Thanks for the briefing, Christian.

We have a wiki page and you should all be able to access it. (Sebastian please check)

The wiki page works for me.

The wiki page already contains a number of "Considerations for 2013 (from 2012 experience)". The list was created by Anne. Please post input that you have on the mailing list rather than adding them to the list yourself :-).

I encourage you to supply feedback to anything on that list, anything in this email and anything else you have in mind for ECE 2013.

A strong plus for timers in the room to make sure that the sessions are finished in time.
Same for an official number of attendees per session.

I could help to have barcodes at the doors that can be scanned with a phone to count the number of attendees. The conference app could send a reminder that one shall provide feedback for the presenter.

I've not strong opinion about the point 'same length for each talk', though I also think that we don't need long talks. OTOH slots with 2 lightning talks 15 mins each could be interesting.

Hackatons: I really like the format, but I've also the impression that people attend the conference for the socializing aspect. We'd have to make sure that they don't eat up too much time. The number of expected participants has to justify the efforts for the preparations. Do we have any numbers from other conferences that had this format?

No FMZ: +1.

I think the most important change is the proposal that all talks have the same length. I was always for extended talk slots but failed to see an extended talk at ECE 2012 that really justified that. What do you guys think ?

Having less time for a talk sometimes helps to stay focused. 25 minutes works usually quite well.

The time schedule will be pretty much the same as last year. So most of the telcos would be typically happening in August (monday). And we do one or two before that heavy working time. I am NOT at EclipseCon NA in Boston so we wont meet there.

I am starting now to look for keynote speakers. Help appreciated. If you know interesting people, then just add them in the wiki and/or post them on the mailing list.

Having some keynotes that are not strictly Eclipse focues would be cool, e.g. like the Mozilla keynote that we had this year.
Scott Hanselmann would be a great (
I also like the idea to have someone from Jetbrains talking about competing with Eclipse, but I did not see too many entertaining talks by Jetbrainers ...

Program focus
A feedback that I received from one of my colleagues and that I discussed today with Ralph is my impression that EclipseCon is very very Eclipse based. We have very few talks that are just for Java developers. We had Sebastian talk about "Java Performance MythBusters" (as an example and there are some other talks) but in general we (the PC) always asked ourselves what the link to Eclipse is.

I think it would be really great if we had a Java category where people could talk about Java stuff that is interesting to Eclipse Developers. So we could have talks about Guava, Guice, Guava, Akka, Heroko, Fork/Join, WebSockets, Hadoop, JavaEE, NoSql, Scala etc. (we also need to find people to propose such talks) I know we had Dalibor Topic talking about Java itself but I am think more about Java Open Source frameworks. Its probably also important what kind of things we like and what we don't like for such a Java category (before we open the flood gate :-) ). I am not so much of a fan in getting another 20 "how to write an Android thingy" talk proposals.

Still it should relevant to Eclipse developers but the code that you talk about does not need to be at (I am not saying that this was true in the past, but in our program 95 % of the technical talks use OSGi as a kernel, I don't think that this has to stay that way)

I am sure this idea needs a little more thinking. But broadening to scope I think would make EclipseCon more attractive. I hope everyone could supply some feedback.

Note: Ralph called that "we lost the java community" which I think describes the phenomena very well.

Obviously +1 - Java is actually sort of a common denominator of all attendees such as this topic has the potential to fill sort of a gap. And Java8 is around the corner, too.
JavaFX is an emerging tech, too. Since e4 allows to plug other (more trendy) widget toolkits, having more content about JavaFX would be great.

Did you talk with the EclipseCon NA about that? I think it's important for that one, too, to have a wide range of content rather some so-so talks about strict Eclipse stuff.


Inspired by Chris Heilmann's keynote I realized that HTML5 is really underrepresented at EclipseCons (and maybe Eclipse in general). So I personally would think it might be interesting to do something with Mozilla at ECE 2013. My spontaneous idea is to bring Chris in and have him do a tutorial (where he bring 200 FireOS smartphones) and we all try to create something interesting. But maybe thats just me. Again I am interested to get feedback.

Looking forward to your emails and feedback what you think about my ideas. (which of them are crazy and which are good, what are your ideas ?)

christian campo

compeople AG
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compeople AG
Untermainanlage 8
60329 Frankfurt/Main
fon: +49 (0) 69 / 27 22 18 0
fax: +49 (0) 69 / 27 22 18 22

Vorstand: Jürgen Wiesmaier
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Christian Glanz

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Frankfurt/Main
Handelsregister Frankfurt HRB 56759
USt-IdNr. DE207665352

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