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[eclipse-pmc] Committer Election for Hope Hadfield on Eclipse JDT LS has started

A committer election for Hope Hadfield on project Eclipse JDT LS
( was started by Roland Grunberg with this criteria:

Hope Hadfield ( has been
contributing to Eclipse JDT LS since June of 2023 and in that time has made a
lot of valuable improvements. She has contributed to progress reporting,
fixing the method signature refactoring, folding range support, semantic
highlight, snippets, completion items, new features (eg. create source from
clipboard), as well as addressing some issues that have existed for some

She has also helped review incoming contributions, and investigate certain
enhancements to allow us to better prioritize them. As a result, I'd like to
nominate her as a committer.

For a full list of her current involvement in JDT-LS, see

= Commits =

9540cf73 Add static registration for textDocument/declaration
1c54db70 Avoid returning DocumentPasteEdit when no edits are made
3a74fa20 Introduce delegate command for java file paste
2584b80f Fix multiline semantic highlighting for 'implements', 'extends', and
'permits' keywords
cc53a237 Allow package/module references to bypass strict character matching
395b5da0 Handle resolving completion items with improper declaration
6d71318c Add null check for isWorkDoneProgressSupported()
501b1718 Fix constructor completion when guessMethodArguments is off
7f75fbb9 Add new aliases for sysout and syserr snippets
317c78e0 Add 'print' alias for sysout snippet
5cb8f7ad Check for null root in SemanticTokensHandler
ff00f435 Reconcile AST node to provide accurate type definition snippets
a763751d Fix filterText and sorting for method declaration completions
342d7002 Move snippet suggestions above keywords in completion list
5f8c68fc Add extended client capability for workspace/executeClientCommand
2c564cb0 Fix first letter matching for method overrides
7bca0a51 Avoid attempts to sort by parameter count for members that do not
support it
e41e0c7c Fix order and filtering of completion items for overloaded methods
99ff5f08 Add isEmpty() check to avoid java.util.EmptyStackException in
4e56be9d Update current method snippet and add static_method snippet for
847f305b Correct constructor snippet for additional classes in a file
5f4bd3b2 Introduce new snippet templates with appropriate context
84385c31 Set default of syntactic null analysis for fields to enabled
9bdd833b Fix multiline semantic highlighting for 'class' and 'interface'
6fe54256 Fix multiline semantic highlighting for 'record'
5d4c9ee1 Fix folding ranges for nested switch statements
ab5883a8 Add folding range for multiple single-line comments
2774467c Add check for workDoneProgress client capability
24c3892b Fix param and exception addition/deletion in method signature
4e57d696 Implement go to declaration
348252b6 Initiate progress reporting with window/workDoneProgress/create
c4a48693 Add postfix completion for sysouf, sysoutv, format, par, and not

Eclipse JDT LS project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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