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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial discussion onthe'modelled'workbench UI

Kevin McGuire schrieb:

>>One thing that nobody's mentioned yet are the CSS requirements; if we get this right (and we must) then almost all of the 'properties' we're talking about modeling here (tab style, min/max >>buttons, colors/fonts...perhaps even the SWT widget to render with) will be coming from the styler and won't even -be- a part of the ModelElement's data.

Eric, I'm not sure about that statement. The properties that the CSS manipulates are to me attributes of the model. CSS is just a markup for specifying how to apply changes to the defaults, just as they are already properties as described by HTML. The "styler" would be a programmatic way of achieving the same thing.

In that sense I agree with your other statement that either going programmatically against an API or via markup such as CSS or whatever, it must eventually go through the model API and be functionally equivalent.

You used the word "requirements". At this initial junction the only CSS'ish requirements I can see is that the model elements have optional ID and class. In this case by "class" we mean a usage classification supplied as part of the assembly description. Just like I can have HTML <li> but assign two different instances two different classes to denote their usage semantics (e.g. customer list vs. product list).

How much CSS Browser have do we want to support? Do we for example want to allow setting more than one style-class for an element like Browser allow it (Pseudo SWT-HTML):

<tabItem class="myCTabStyle selectedMyCTabStyle">

In fact I think every attribute the Style-Class has must be refelected by the UI-Element we look at or it has to hold the *clone* of style object because modifing the background color of an UI-Widget doesn't background color of all widgets using this style!


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