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[eclipse-dev] RE: Converting the platform to the EPL license

The CPL only contributions have been removed from the HEAD stream.

All platform teams can go ahead and update the copyright statements.

Kevin Haaland/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: eclipse-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/21/2005 01:38 PM

Please respond to

[eclipse-dev] Converting the platform to the EPL license

The Eclipse Foundation has given the Eclipse Platform approval to proceed on converting to the EPL license.  We will do this work in the 3.1 HEAD stream.  Here are the two steps we will perform:

First, we need to ensure that any contributions that were not made available under the EPL are removed.  There are 4 contributions that have this characteristic:

bug 12745 - CVS/Entries file timestamp day field not space padded

bug 14735 - recursive folder resource creation

bug 22122 - [resources] IResourceChangeDelta does not handle replaces/move correctly

bug 68737 - Double clicking stack frame in JUnit failure trace should display source [JUnit]

We will independently implement new fixes to these defects as soon as possible.

Once this CPL-only code is removed, each component can update their CPL copyright statements to reflect the EPL license.  

Sonia has updated the release engineering tools to automate the updating of the copyright statements. You can get the latest version here:

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