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Re: [ecf-dev] ECF 3.4 Release...we're a go for Oct 29, 2010

On 10/25/2010 08:01 PM, Scott Lewis wrote:

> 2) For this week...I would appreciate any help that committers and
> contributors can give in doing installation testing before Friday.  What
> I do for installation testing is this:
> a) Using a build from the Release_3_4 job [2], install the ECF sdk into
> Eclipse 3.6.1 (and/or other versions of Eclipse).  I usually use a fresh
> version of the Eclipse SDK, but that's not necessary.  It should be
> possible to update existing ECF installations as well.
> b) Check the Help->About plugin information...i.e. to make sure the ECF
> plugins are correctly installed, and that they contain the correct
> bundle-provider, bundle-name
> c) Run some of the old example apps (e.g. irc client, XMPPS
> client...e.g. google talk account, collab client, etc).
> d) Sometimes I also import source for the remote services hello
> example...i.e. to make sure everything is there to allow people to view
> the src, run the example (e.g. the product configuration).
> If you do any installation issues and find something wrong that is
> severe, please open a bug immediately, and make it major or critical. 
> Also please set the target milestone to 3.4.0.

Hi all,
is very likely to be the final build for ECF 3.4. Thus if you can spend
a minute, please give it a try and help us have a smooth release.


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