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Re: [e4-dev] Problems with product expor

Am 07.07.11 11:10, schrieb Davy Meers:
> Hello,
> I am giving e4 a testdrive and am having problems exporting a product.
> To provide the context i will describe the steps i've taken:
>    1. Download the 4.1 release from
>    2. Install the following plug-ins:
>           * Eclipse e4 Modeled Workbench
>           * Eclipse e4 Modeled Workbench Source
>           * Eclipse e4 Tools
>           * Eclipse e4 Tools Source
>    3. Create e4 application using e4 Application project wizard (all the
>       defaults are preserved)
> The resulting project contains a product file. When i test the
> application using the command "Launch an eclipse application" the
> application starts without problems.
> When exporting the product using the "Eclipse Product export wizard" i
> am unable to start the exported application.The log (attached as annex)
> contains the following errors :
>     * Product testProject.product could not be found
>     * NullPointerException at
>       org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.E4Application.start(

Can we get a complete stack? Is it possible e.g. that the is e.g. missing Application.e4xmi?

> Can someone explain the reason why i get these errors? (Is there a known
> bug, what has to be done to solve these errors, ...)
> I have also a question about the dependencies of the generated bundle:
> When i look at the dependencies in the manifest i see that mostly
> Require-Bundle is used (also for e4 bundles). Is there a particular
> reason why Import-Package isn't used?

The problem with Import-Package is that before we can use that there has
to be setup a general policy when it comes to package versioning.

For internal dependencies between Bundles I don't see a problem with
Require-Bundle in case we start versioning our packages. When depending
on external we require those providing the bundles to version their
packages. IMHO as long as no versioning is available at the package
level Import-Package is worse than Require-Bundle.


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