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Re: [e4-dev] e4: handlers and undo

Hi Martin,

> I'm wondering why handlers and operation support are considered a UI
> concept.

They're in the UI section right now simply because I'm working on them :-)

> I know that they are today, but does it have to be that way?
> Wouldn't it make sense to allow command handlers be contributed without UI
> dependency?
> That might eventually help producing headless applications that can be
> scripted through commands.

I think that's correct, and we'll employ a similar direction that was
used in org.eclipse.core.commands.  I think should provide all of the interfaces and
infrastructure necessary to execute commands.

When we'll have to give it a lot more thought is the point where it's
time to start gluing things together.  For example, the suggested
HandlerService works with the Contexts and model, specifically
Application and Part<?>.  Will we have to move some of the structural
workbench model into a ...core.model.application and then put other
bits in ...ui.model.workbench?

We'll have to keep asking ourselves these questions.

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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