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[dtp-dev] DTP Callisto number decided

As discussed this week in a variety of forums, the release number for DTP
Callisto needs to be settled soon. There were two candidates: 0.9 and 1.0.
The difference is that 0.9 is an incubation release, whereas 1.0 is a
transition from incubation to mature status. The PMC discussed this issue
at length, and has decided to make DTP Callisto a 0.9 release. We will then
aim for a 1.0 release in 6Q4, with the associated move from incubation to
mature status. Below is a partial list of items identified by the PMC as
necessary for DTP to make the transition to mature status:

> Adopter success stories: We need to document who is adopting (extending)
DTP and their success in doing so.
> User uptake: We need to show that end users are using DTP for daily
> API Definitions: We need to have a carefully considered API statement.
Today we have a mixed bag (ODA is quite mature, others are pretty strong,
and so on)
> Common SQL Parser API
> Unit test coverage, especially for API classes
> Careful consideration of "frameworks": Like API, we have a mixed bag of
what are being called "frameworks" in DTP. We need to substantiate
framework status.
> More thorough use of communication channels, including
Bugzilla, the newsgroup, web site, WIki, and so on
> New/improved tools: New additions such as the Visual Query Builder,
improvements in connectivity through specialized data source support,
improvements in DSE....

I think we should all be proud of where DTP is today, and confident in our
ability to make the transition to mature status in 6Q4. The PMC looks
forward to working with the committer team and the community at large to
achieve these goals.

John Graham
Eclipse Data Tools Platform PMC Chair
Staff Software Engineer, Sybase, Inc.

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