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Re: [dsdp-tm-dev] anonymous access for FTP

Most FTP clients I have seen so far use a checkbox for anonymous access.
I'm in favor of a supportsAnonymousLogin() method on IConnectorService.


javier.montalvoorus@xxxxxxxxxxx schrieb:

The checkbox fills the user ID and password fields, as possibly the user wants to provide its own email address as password, but doesn't perform the login action. It allows a quicker way to access services allowing an "anonymous" user, rather than having to type it every time.

Answering DavidD questins:

(1) What other services use FTP's style of anonymous login? That is, is
this a change just for FTP?
I expect systems having a "guest" account could provide it as anonymous user..
(2) I don't want this showing up on dstore or other services that don't
support anonymous login, is this tailorable?
It is only shown by services requiring user id and password (using the SystemPasswordPromptDialog class); if it helps to avoid user confussion a supportsAnonymousLogin() on ConnectorService could be added, as suggested.

(3) should this really be a checkbox? Since its causing fields to be filled
maybe it should be a button - kind of like "restore defaults" is on
A checkbox has a concept of do <-> undo, so if unchecked it cleans up the anonymous user id and password and writes the default id (as initially)


Javier Montalvo OrĂºs_
__Engineering Tools_ <http://smglinx.intra/twiki/bin/view/PTD/EngineeringTools>
Symbian Software Limited.

Martin Oberhuber
Wind River Systems, Inc.
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

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