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Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Extension point for defining devices - Back on Track

I see three different issues addressed in this thread, which should be addressed separately. I would like to keep this thread "MTJ specific", and cross-post the other topics
to the MADK mailing list to get wider distribution/review.

The original issue brought up by Danail was a proposal to review our API
to describe SDKs (and devices) in MTJ. This is independent of the other issues.
Let's focus on one thing at a time. This is independent of UEI.

Let's focus here on Danail's proposal (which I like BTW), and keep distribution out
of this for a moment.
My idea was to remove (in case you are already providing some kind of
extension for Eclipse) the need for the developer to go and import the
SDK. It will be already available once it has installed the tooling.

I was just mentioning that this way, p2 can used for SDK distribution if
the vendor decide that it is appropriate. This however, will not impose
any limitation to the SDK - it can be still UEI compatible and be
distributed as well as standalone zip.

My idea is similar to:
* Installed JRE preference page, where plugins can provide JREs
* Plug-in Development -> Target Platform page, where we have the notion
of predefined targets
Both of the pages and associated extension points doesn't expose any
restrictions on the distribution or the structure of the SDK, but does
provide a way for a plugin to contribute (w/o user intervention) to the
available entries.

Are we on the same page?

Danail, do I understand correctly that you propose a way for a SDK developer to be
able to create a plugin which automatically registers a custom SDK with MTJ?

Have you looked at the extensionpoint: org.eclipse.mtj.core.deviceImporter

Gustavo, Craig, please correct me here, but I think this extension point will
let you register a new device importer. This device importer then can
return the discovered "devices" in the SDK.
The devices need to implement the interface: org.eclipse.mtj.core.model.device.IDevice

Danail, does this mechanism solve your problem?
If not, which additional functionality would you need?
Is the limitation in the "IDevice" interface, or in the Importer?


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