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RE: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Possible MTJ Contribution


Looks good.
I am now in San Francisco and a bit busy here, but we will come back to
you quite soon.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
>[mailto:dsdp-mtj-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of ext 
>Sebastian Sickelmann
>Sent: 14 August, 2006 21:42
>To: Mobile Tools for The Java Platform mailing list
>Subject: Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Possible MTJ Contribution
>I am glad that i now can tell you some news about our possible 
>We will open-source some parts of our "Annocracy"-Project. 
>Annocracy uses Annotations to annotate the way of handling 
>code-fragmentation. Because we are using Annotations for that, 
>it is fully integrated in the Java-Language. We use 
>Eclipse-Technology (JDT-AST) to process source-files and to 
>create device-specific projects.
>Annocracy is not bind
>to Eclipse, it is build using an RCP-Enviroment and can so 
>acutally be started using commandline and RCP-RunConfiguration 
>out of Eclipse. In the next few weeks we will publish some 
>ANT-Tasks to integrate it easyly in every modern IDE.
>I will you now show some easy examples how Annocracy feels.
>Here some Easy-Method-Implementation-Change (it is a mock 
>example, but it shows the idea)
>    @Implementation(dependsOn = "methodImplementationRule1", 
>implementationOwner = "doDestroyAppImpl1"),
>    @Implementation(dependsOn = "methodImplementationRule2", 
>implementationOwner = "doDestroyAppImpl2")
>private void doDestroyApp() {
>    // TODO default implementation
>private void doDestroyAppImpl1() {
>    System.out.println("destroying application in one way");
>private void doDestroyAppImpl2() {
>    System.out.println("destroying application in another way");
>In this example the implementation of the Method doDestroyApp 
>should be change be either the implementation of 
>doDestroyAppImpl1 or the impl. of doDestroyAppImpl2. It is 
>exchange by the implementation of Impl1 if 
>"methodImplementationRule1" is evaluated to true. The 
>Evaluation can be Device/Project or Build-Specific and is 
>managed by an external(plugable) Validator. The 
>Defaultvalidator uses XML Configsfiles to configure the way of 
>evaluation. Example:
>    @Implementation(dependsOn = "CLCD1.0", implementationOwner 
>= "doDestroyAppImpl1"),
>    @Implementation(dependsOn = "CLCD1.1", implementationOwner =
>If the Device that is actually building is an CLDC1.0-Device 
>the implementation is exchanged by Impl1.
>If the Device that is acutally building is an CLCD1.1-Device 
>the implementation is exchanged by Impl2.
>If the Device is not either an CLDC1.0 or 1.1 -Device the 
>Method implementation is unchanged.
>What CLDC and J2SE means is defined in an external 
>XML-Configuration(can be part of an set of Configurations).
>    <rule-definition id = "midp1.0">
>        <comparison device-property = "device.platform" 
>comparator = "==" value = "midp1.0" />
>    </rule-definition>
>    <rule-definition id = "midp2.0">
>        <comparison device-property = "device.platform" 
>comparator = "==" value = "midp2.0" />
>    </rule-definition>
>    <!-- configuration properties -->
>    <rule-definition id = "cldc1.0">
>        <comparison device-property = "device.configuration" 
>comparator = "==" value = "cldc1.0" />
>    </rule-definition>
>    <rule-definition id = "cldc1.1">
>        <comparison device-property = "device.configuration" 
>comparator = "==" value = "cldc1.1" />
>    </rule-definition>
>..and so on
>The device-property are filled using multiple DataSources. We 
>will implement an DataSource accesing our web-service of 
>deviceknowledge-database. But using other
>is just implementing an extension-Point in Annocracy. Is there 
>an deviceknowledge-project in MTJ or DSDP that we should integrate?
>Annotations have one drawback to comment-based preprocessors. 
>You cannot annotation some lines of code in an existing 
>Method. You have to extract the code to a Method and Annotate 
>your Method.
>In my eyes it is no problem, because there is no example by 
>which i cannot find a name for the sourcecode -block(my new 
>Method). The only problem is that method-calls are exensive an 
>a method has an overhead around 100 Bytes in the resulting 
>Bytecode. So we implemented an additional @Inline annotation 
>that keeps track of it. @Inline is not just an code-copy. A 
>Simple code copy would bring namespace problems with it.
>@Inline renames local names if it is needed.
>Example for @Inline:
>public class InlineTest {
>    static {
>        staticMethod();
>    }
>    public InlineTest() {
>    }
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>        InlineTest inlineTest = new InlineTest();
>        inlineTest.voidMethod();
>        inlineTest.voidMethodWithParameters(1, "void", true);
>        System.out.println(inlineTest.nonVoidMethod());
>        System.out.println(inlineTest.nonVoidMethodWithParameters(0,
>"nonVoid", false));
>        int a;
>        int b;
>        int complexMethod_a;
>        int result = inlineTest.complexMethod();
>        int c;
>        staticMethod();
>    }
>    @Inline
>    private void voidMethod() {
>        System.out.println("voidMethod");
>    }
>    @Inline
>    private void voidMethodWithParameters(int i, String s, boolean b) {
>        System.out.println("voidMethodWithParameters: '" + i + 
>"', '" + s + "', '" + b + "'");
>    }
>    @Inline
>    private String nonVoidMethod() {
>        return "nonVoidMethod";
>    }
>    @Inline
>    private String nonVoidMethodWithParameters(int i, String 
>s, boolean b) {
>        return "nonVoidMethodWithParameters: '" + i + "', '" + 
>s + "', '" + b + "'";
>    }
>    @Inline
>    private int complexMethod() {
>        int a = 1;
>        int b = 2;
>        System.out.println("complexMethod");
>        return Math.max(a, b);
>    }
>    @Inline
>    private static void staticMethod() {
>        int c;
>    }
>Will create this source.
>public class InlineTest {
>    /**
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'staticMethod' was inlined here
>     */
>    static {
>        int c;
>    }
>    public InlineTest() {
>    }
>    /**
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'voidMethod' was inlined here
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'voidMethodWithParameters' was inlined here
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'nonVoidMethod' was inlined here
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'nonVoidMethodWithParameters' was inlined here
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'complexMethod' was inlined here
>     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 
>'staticMethod' was inlined here
>     */
>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>        InlineTest inlineTest = new InlineTest();
>        System.out.println("voidMethod");
>        System.out.println("voidMethodWithParameters: \'" + 1 
>+ "\', \'"
>+ "void" + "\', \'" + true + "\'");
>        int nonVoidMethod_return = "nonVoidMethod";
>        System.out.println(nonVoidMethod_return);
>        int nonVoidMethodWithParameters_return =
>"nonVoidMethodWithParameters: \'" + 0 + "\', \'" + "nonVoid" + "\', \'"
>+ false + "\'";
>        System.out.println(nonVoidMethodWithParameters_return);
>        int a;
>        int b;
>        int complexMethod_a;
>        int inline_complexMethod_a = 1;
>        int complexMethod_b = 2;
>        System.out.println("complexMethod");
>        int complexMethod_return = 
>Math.max(inline_complexMethod_a, complexMethod_b);
>        int result = complexMethod_return;
>        int c;
>        int staticMethod_c;
>    }
>Obfuscating and shrinking will delete the rest(see "int staticMethod_c"
>Another example. This time the very usefull @Existence
>@Existence(dependsOn = "mp3")
>private void playSound() {
>    // TODO play sound
>    System.out.println("La la la!");
>private void doApplicationLogic{
>    playSound();
>OK. The method playSound only exists wenn the rule "mp3" is 
>evalated to true. But what is with all(ok here it is only one) 
>its callers? Annocracy eliminates all calls to that Method. 
>Keeping track of everything you would manualy do. Example:
>@Existence(dependsOn = "mp3")
>private int calc() {
>    return 42;
>private void doApplicationLogic{
>    int a = calc();
>    a++;
>    System.out.println(a);
>will create an empty doApplicationLogic Method(when mp3 is not 
>available), because the variable Deklarations of "a" depends 
>on the result of calc. If you write:
>private void doApplicationLogic{
>    int a = 0;
>    a = calc();
>    a++;
>    System.out.println(a);
>43 is printed by "mp3 devices" and 1 is printed by non "mp3 devices".
>Of course Annotations can be combined.
>This was only a small look. There is much more. But this 
>should not be part of on common discussion form.
>Hope to get some feedback.
>Kind regards and sorry for the long mail Sebastian
>mika.hoikkala@xxxxxxxxx schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> You get my curiosity up. When you think that you can publish 
>> information what you have.
>> And if that takes time we are also interested in documentation which 
>> tells how it work (end user / use case perspective) if that 
>is easier 
>> to deliver than code.
>> Yes. Eclipse lisence is EPL and it would definitely be the best for 
>> your contribution also.
>> Eclipse community is quite strict that it don't have any license 
>> problems in Eclipse projects.
>> mho
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