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Re: [dsdp-mtj-dev] Possible MTJ Contribution


I am glad that i now can tell you some news about our possible
We will open-source some parts of our "Annocracy"-Project. Annocracy
uses Annotations
to annotate the way of handling code-fragmentation. Because we are using
for that, it is fully integrated in the Java-Language. We use
Eclipse-Technology (JDT-AST)
to process source-files and to create device-specific projects.
Annocracy is not bind
to Eclipse, it is build using an RCP-Enviroment and can so acutally be
started using
commandline and RCP-RunConfiguration out of Eclipse. In the next few
weeks we will
publish some ANT-Tasks to integrate it easyly in every modern IDE.

I will you now show some easy examples how Annocracy feels.

Here some Easy-Method-Implementation-Change (it is a mock example, but
it shows the idea)


    @Implementation(dependsOn = "methodImplementationRule1",
implementationOwner = "doDestroyAppImpl1"),

    @Implementation(dependsOn = "methodImplementationRule2",
implementationOwner = "doDestroyAppImpl2")


private void doDestroyApp() {

    // TODO default implementation



private void doDestroyAppImpl1() {

    System.out.println("destroying application in one way");



private void doDestroyAppImpl2() {

    System.out.println("destroying application in another way");


In this example the implementation of the Method doDestroyApp should be
change be either the implementation of doDestroyAppImpl1 or the impl. of
doDestroyAppImpl2. It is exchange by the implementation of Impl1 if
"methodImplementationRule1" is evaluated to true. The Evaluation can
be Device/Project or Build-Specific and is managed by an external(plugable)
Validator. The Defaultvalidator uses XML Configsfiles to configure the
way of
evaluation. Example:


    @Implementation(dependsOn = "CLCD1.0", implementationOwner =

    @Implementation(dependsOn = "CLCD1.1", implementationOwner =


If the Device that is actually building is an CLDC1.0-Device the
implementation is exchanged by Impl1.
If the Device that is acutally building is an CLCD1.1-Device the
implementation is exchanged by Impl2.
If the Device is not either an CLDC1.0 or 1.1 -Device the Method
implementation is unchanged.

What CLDC and J2SE means is defined in an external XML-Configuration(can
be part of an set of Configurations).

    <rule-definition id = "midp1.0">
        <comparison device-property = "device.platform" comparator =
"==" value = "midp1.0" />

    <rule-definition id = "midp2.0">
        <comparison device-property = "device.platform" comparator =
"==" value = "midp2.0" />
    <!-- configuration properties -->
    <rule-definition id = "cldc1.0">
        <comparison device-property = "device.configuration" comparator
= "==" value = "cldc1.0" />
    <rule-definition id = "cldc1.1">
        <comparison device-property = "device.configuration" comparator
= "==" value = "cldc1.1" />
...and so on

The device-property are filled using multiple DataSources. We will
implement an DataSource accesing
our web-service of deviceknowledge-database. But using other
is just implementing an extension-Point in Annocracy. Is there an
deviceknowledge-project in MTJ or
DSDP that we should integrate?

Annotations have one drawback to comment-based preprocessors. You cannot
annotation some lines
of code in an existing Method. You have to extract the code to a Method
and Annotate your Method.
In my eyes it is no problem, because there is no example by which i
cannot find a name for the sourcecode
-block(my new Method). The only problem is that method-calls are
exensive an a method has an overhead
around 100 Bytes in the resulting Bytecode. So we implemented an
additional @Inline annotation that keeps
track of it. @Inline is not just an code-copy. A Simple code copy would
bring namespace problems with it.
@Inline renames local names if it is needed.

Example for @Inline:

public class InlineTest {

    static {

    public InlineTest() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InlineTest inlineTest = new InlineTest();
        inlineTest.voidMethodWithParameters(1, "void", true);
"nonVoid", false));
        int a;
        int b;
        int complexMethod_a;
        int result = inlineTest.complexMethod();
        int c;

    private void voidMethod() {

    private void voidMethodWithParameters(int i, String s, boolean b) {
        System.out.println("voidMethodWithParameters: '" + i + "', '" +
s + "', '" + b + "'");

    private String nonVoidMethod() {
        return "nonVoidMethod";

    private String nonVoidMethodWithParameters(int i, String s, boolean b) {
        return "nonVoidMethodWithParameters: '" + i + "', '" + s + "',
'" + b + "'";

    private int complexMethod() {
        int a = 1;
        int b = 2;
        return Math.max(a, b);

    private static void staticMethod() {
        int c;

Will create this source.

public class InlineTest {

     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 'staticMethod' was
inlined here
    static {
        int c;

    public InlineTest() {

     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 'voidMethod' was
inlined here
     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method
'voidMethodWithParameters' was inlined here
     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 'nonVoidMethod' was
inlined here
     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method
'nonVoidMethodWithParameters' was inlined here
     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 'complexMethod' was
inlined here
     * Modified by Annocracy: content of the method 'staticMethod' was
inlined here
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InlineTest inlineTest = new InlineTest();
        System.out.println("voidMethodWithParameters: \'" + 1 + "\', \'"
+ "void" + "\', \'" + true + "\'");
        int nonVoidMethod_return = "nonVoidMethod";
        int nonVoidMethodWithParameters_return =
"nonVoidMethodWithParameters: \'" + 0 + "\', \'" + "nonVoid" + "\', \'"
+ false + "\'";
        int a;
        int b;
        int complexMethod_a;
        int inline_complexMethod_a = 1;
        int complexMethod_b = 2;
        int complexMethod_return = Math.max(inline_complexMethod_a,
        int result = complexMethod_return;
        int c;
        int staticMethod_c;

Obfuscating and shrinking will delete the rest(see "int staticMethod_c"

Another example. This time the very usefull @Existence

@Existence(dependsOn = "mp3")

private void playSound() {

    // TODO play sound

    System.out.println("La la la!");


private void doApplicationLogic{



OK. The method playSound only exists wenn the rule "mp3" is evalated to
true. But what is with
all(ok here it is only one) its callers? Annocracy eliminates all calls
to that Method. Keeping track
of everything you would manualy do. Example:

@Existence(dependsOn = "mp3")

private int calc() {

    return 42;


private void doApplicationLogic{

    int a = calc();


will create an empty doApplicationLogic Method(when mp3 is not
available), because the variable
Deklarations of "a" depends on the result of calc. If you write:

private void doApplicationLogic{

    int a = 0;
    a = calc();


43 is printed by "mp3 devices" and 1 is printed by non "mp3 devices".

Of course Annotations can be combined.

This was only a small look. There is much more. But this should
not be part of on common discussion form.

Hope to get some feedback.

Kind regards and sorry for the long mail

mika.hoikkala@xxxxxxxxx schrieb:
> Hi,
> You get my curiosity up. When you think that you can publish information
> what you have.
> And if that takes time we are also interested in documentation which
> tells how it work (end user / use case perspective) if that is easier to
> deliver than code.
> Yes. Eclipse lisence is EPL and it would definitely be the best for your
> contribution also.
> Eclipse community is quite strict that it don't have any license
> problems in Eclipse projects.
> mho
<clear-thread />

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