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[Dltk-dev] Extending the Tcl plugin


I am working on writing a plugin for a Tcl based scripting language and I would naturally prefer to use dltk.tcl rather than writing it from scratch. :)

I would be very grateful if you could answer some questions I have. (I'm quite new to Eclipse and plugin writing so apologies if I miss something obvious.)

Our extensions add commands in the FOO::bar format. I have managed to get as far as adding all of them via ITclKeywords (they are coloured in the editor now and will auto-complete) but I am having trouble with on-hover documentation. I am using IScriptDocumentationProvider and the getInfo function gets either "foo" or "BAR" depending on where I hover (and nothing if I hover on the "::") - is there another extension I should be using?

Incidentally, when would I choose to add command via ITclKeywords vs ITclCommandDetector? What is the difference between a keyword and a command?

Best regards,


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