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Re: [Dltk-dev] ScriptBuilder full build too slow because it reads all IReources in a project

Hi Gabriel,

I am not sure it makes sense to report issue in multiple places, as the discussion might become fragmented. Or some posts will have no answers.
If you want to bring the attention to the bug posted in bugzilla - just post the link here.

Now talking about the actual issue with 10k files.
Have you tried to profile your application to understand what particular methods takes most of the time?

If you think it scans the content of all files you can override the following methods in your org.eclipse.dltk.core.IDLTKLanguageToolkit

boolean canValidateContent(IResource resource);
boolean canValidateContent(File file);
boolean canValidateContent(IFileHandle file);

Could you please let us know if overriding these methods helps and if it isn't then it would be great to have the profiling results.

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabriel Petrovay" <gabipetrovay@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "dltk-dev" <dltk-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 6:35:39 PM GMT +06:00 Almaty, Novosibirsk
Subject: [Dltk-dev] ScriptBuilder full build too slow because it reads all IReources in a project


During a full build the ScriptBuilder will read all the resources in a
project: Scriptuilder:getResourcesFrom(...). The ResourceVisitor
visits all the resources in a given project. For a project with 10000
files in it, out of hich only one is a ScriptModule, all the resources
are scanned and DLTKCore.create(res) is called for each resource.

This project takes for example about 1.5 hours on my machine. Most of
the user actions are blocked by the "Building project" job.

Is there a way to filter the resources that need to be processed. In
my example I know that one folder contains 9990 resources that are not
SourceModules so I can ignore that folder.


MSc Gabriel Petrovay
Mobile: +41(0)787978034
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