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[Dltk-dev] Automatically triggered completion proposals


I have played a little with the completion proposals and if I define
my own set of activation chars in MyScriptCompletionProcessor, the
behavior is not the same with in normal Ctrl-Space proposal
triggering. Moreover automatically triggered proposals do not work
properly (they are when triggered with Ctrl-Space).

Some things that I have remarked in the automatically triggered proposals:
- the LabelProvider is not the same as in Ctrl-Space behavior (the
proposals have no image)
- not all proposals are shown (some are filtered because they don't
have a ContextInformation
    - for example the keywords are only shown because of the following
code in the constructor of the ScriptCompletionProposal class
		// TODO: temporary solution - should be removed
      If you resolve this TODO, they will be also filtered by the
automatically triggered proposal mechanism.
    - currently, I have to have to write the same code in the
constructor of MyFunctionCompletionProposal
(ScriptMethodCompletionProposal) in order to diaply them as well
- none of the the proposals are applied (either the proposal is
somehow not validated or the apply method not reached). The behavior
now is that only a tooptip is shown with what was suposed to be

Any suggestions on how can I enable and make the automatically
triggered proposals work?


MSc Gabriel Petrovay
Mobile: +41(0)787978034

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