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Re: [Dltk-dev] Some questions

Hi Didier,

It is nice to hear one more project is using DKTK. Welcome!
We have a list of projects based on the DLTK in our wiki
Would you please add your project?

OpenDeclarationAction: you should have implementation of the ISelectionEngine. SelectionEngine is used to find out the IModelElement related to the selected text in the editor. The Open action then uses IModelElement to navigate to the corresponding file and location. You can find examples in the TCL or Ruby implementations.

Outline icons: You should override ScriptOutlinePage#getLabelDecorator() and provide your implementation of the ILabelDecorator. For example please see the org.eclipse.dltk.ruby.internal.ui.editor.RubyOutlineLabelDecorator and org.eclipse.dltk.tcl.internal.ui.editor.TclOutlineLabelDecorator

Completion: To implement code assist you should provide the implementation of the ICompletionEngine. You can find examples in the Ruby of Tcl implementations.


----- Original Message -----
From: "didier barzin" <didier@xxxxxxxxx>
To: dltk-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 12:07:25 AM GMT +06:00 Almaty, Novosibirsk
Subject: [Dltk-dev] Some questions

Hi All, 

I am developing a Cobol plugin for Eclipse using DLTK. I have already done a important part of the job. I have some questions : 

* Is it possible implement an OpenDeclarationAction in the DLTK Script editor to move to the declaration of the selected text ? Such mechanism is implemented in the class org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.editor.AntEditor. 

* Is it possible to change the icons associated with nodes in the outline view. For now I have had to it in the decorateImage method of a LabelProvider associated to the ScriptOutlinePage. But the way it should be done is in the getImage method but ScriptOutlinePage never call getImage of ILabelDecorator. 

* Where can I find an example of the completion mechanism ? 


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