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[dash-dev] Automated Tagging & Releasing of weekly changes to map(s) (was Re: Doing our releng project...)

Some information here - see under Integration in the first section:

I also have a shell script for searching CVS (not SVN) for changes, tagging, and checking in changes to map file(s). It has not been tested w/ Athena builds (and also not ported over to use Athena & file path conventions) but should be serviceable if you want to try it.

If it works, let me know. If you change it and make it better, please don't hesitate to attach it to a Technology > Dash Athena bug.



Quentin GLINEUR wrote:
Hi Nick,

Thanks a lot for the information. It might look simple but it helps me a lot.

One remaining question: As the Integration build seem to be commonly done on a weekly basis, I guess that the tagging is automated. If yes, how?



2009/10/23 Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>>

        1) What is the interest of using a map file for the Integration
        build? (I understand the tag for the stable and release builds
        but not for the integration.)

    Many projects choose to use `-forceContextQualifier -fetchTag HEAD`
    to override the tags in the maps for their Nightly (unstable) builds
    and override the qualifiers on their features/plugins w/ the build's
    timestamp. Why? It's a convenient way of quickly verifying that the
    latest in CVS will compile and test OK.

    All other builds (I, M, S, R) ought to be built from tagged maps for
    reproduceability and stability: only tagged & released code
    therefore makes its way into an Integration, Maintenance, Stable or
    Release build.

    Of course this is just a guideline; you may run your project any way
    you see fit provided that you follow the project rules
    and don't violate IP policy. Not everyone likes maps; some prefer to
    always build from trunk/HEAD and only tag AFTER a successful build.
    As with all things, YMMV. :)

        2) In all examples of I have seen, there are
        only dependencies to stable builds but never to snapshot.
        Isn't it a common practice or is it usually defined elsewhere or
        did I miss them?

    Here's one build job that depends on the output of another using
    SNAPSHOT URLs from Hudson:

    As you can see, that build depends on MWE, and points directly at
    its lastSuccessfulBuild:


-- Nick Boldt ::
    Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena

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