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[dash-dev] Re: Branding the new "Common Builder" Dash component

Title: New Page 1

Nick Boldt wrote:
Bjorn et al.,

I was thinking more about the branding of this new component, and since I've been having a similar conversation with my GSoC student, Michael Robb, about his work to create wizards for generating project meta (eg., examples feature/plugin stub, tests feature/plugin stub, SDK feature stub, and .releng project) [1], it seems like his work ought to live in Dash too, rather than in o.e.soc as this is entirely complementary to the work involved in a common builder.
Sure, I'm good with that.

We had discussed calling his component Athena [2] in reference to her creation story (and the idea of projects "springing forth, fully formed"), but hadn't fully decided on "athena" vs. "metagen".
If you're asking me, I'd go with athena as metagen sounds like some science fiction mutation problem, at least to my over-active imagination.

I like the name and its evocative branding, so I'd like to put it to the larger Dash committer community.

Should "metagen", currently a GSoC project [1], and the new "commonbuilder" be united under the org.eclipse.dash.athena or org.eclipse.athena namespace?
I'm not sure why we'd merge the two as one component - I seem them as different sides of the same coin: commonbuilder is the server side code and athena is the tool side code. ?

(Michael, this would mean moving your code from the SOC cvs repo to Dash one, and using o.e.(dash.)athena.metagen.* for your code. We'd also have to vote you in as a committer, but that's trivial.)


Good thoughts.
[end of message]

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