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Re: [dali-dev] Failing Diagram editor Hudson build job


 1.     What happened with



There is PersistentAttribute.MAPPING_PROPERTY


of course, but can I use the second one instead of first?


Yes, you can use ReadOnlyPersistentAttribute.MAPPING_PROPERTY. The attribute no longer holds both
"specified" and "default" mappings; it holds only its current mapping (whether it is specified or default)
and calculates the "key" of its default mapping (DEFAULT_MAPPING_KEY_PROPERTY) so Dali can indicate
in the UI which mapping is the attribute's current default.

2.     I can’t find what replaced Relationship.PREDOMINANT_JOINING_STRATEGY_PROPERTY

That has moved to ReadOnlyRelationship.STRATEGY_PROPERTY.


3.    What happened with SynchronousJpaProjectUpdater

The JpaProject "update" has been split into a "context model synchronization" and an "update".
Depending on what you need, you will need to call one or both of these two methods:
What are you trying to do? These processes need only be synchronous if you need to
immediately the updated state of the JpaProject after you make a change
(e.g. in tests). In a UI, you typically need only wait for the appropriate events to be
fired. To see how the Dali tests set these processes to be synchronous, see the
constructor TestJpaProject(String, boolean, IDataModel).


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