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Re: [dali-dev] FW: Get all entities from the project

Hi Karen,

I am interested in this as well using the latest Dali 1.0 WTP milestone. Say after the entities have been generated, I have some tooling that later wants to update an entity (say to set an optimistic concurrency version field). How would I do this in the latest Dali code (until an API is established)? I don't see the PersistenceProject that you mentioned. I think ideally it would be nice to call an API to get all PersistenceUnits for the project, and then get all Entities from each PersistenceUnit. Then it would be nice if I could easily modify an Entity model representation and have it update the actual Java file. For example, I get an EnityObject from the Dali APIs and then I can do EntityObject.setVersion( "versionFieldName") or something like that and it would add the appropriate @version annotation to the specified field. I realize that's probably asking a lot (I did open a feature request to capture this), so for now I think it's probably okay if I can just get a list of the Entities somehow; then I can just use the JDT api's to modify the base Java file (which is ugly, but should work).

Karen Moore wrote:
Hi Dimiter,

We don't currently have api for this in 0.5 and I would recommend opening an enhancement request against 1.0 to include this as api. In 0.5 your best bet is to call PersistenceProject.persistenceFiles(). This will return you an iterator of PersistenceFile objects. Then PersistenceFile.getPersistentTypes will return the Collection of PersistentTypes. Each PersistentType has a TypeMapping on it which can be Entity, MappedSuperclass, Embeddable. You can use PersistnentType.getTypeMappingKey() and compare it to Entity.Key.INSTANCE to check if it is an Entity. This has changed some in 1.0 and we need to have api for it (even if it is provisional or internal for now). I hope this helps you.


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