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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT Monthly Call

Hi Nate,

as discussed in the call today, one point on the roadmap is AST support. Clangd provides a protocol extension to get the AST for a text document. I just played around with lsp4j and was able to get the AST from clangd*.

Do you have a feeling about if it would be feasible to convert the clangd AST to the cdt AST?

*) I don't have any lsp4j experiences yet, therefore I just added the textDocument/ast request to lsp4j's TextDocumentService. Can anyone point me to what would be the right way to implement this?


On 3/8/23 20:46, Nathan Ridge wrote:
Hey folks,

Just wanted to say the progress on LSP integration is exciting!

If you have questions about things on the clangd side, I'm happy to answer them. I recommend the #clangd channel on the LLVM Discord (, I'm pretty active there and in addition to user questions we do get and answer questions from developers bringing new clients on board. The clangd issue tracker also has a Discussion section ( which is closer to a mailing list format and which I've been keeping an eye on as well.


From: cdt-dev <cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: March 8, 2023 1:24 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] CDT Monthly Call

Hello folks,

Here are the minutes to the meeting. Thank you all for coming. We had some new faces today so it was nice to see members of the wider CDT community. Anyone is welcome to join these calls and it is really useful to hear from all of you.


<>CDT 11.1.0

   *   Jonah gave a status update on CDT 11.1.0, summarized as all in hand for release next week


   *   Gesa gave a demo of Eclipse CDT LSP - LSP based C/C++ Editor<>
   *   Discussion on how to migrate this into the Eclipse CDT project without affecting the development velocity.
      *   Bringing Gesa and Christian on as CDT committers is required to fully migrate. This is similar to how Martin became a committer<> when he contributed parts of cmake4eclipse to CDT.
      *   Action: Jonah to work with Gesa on a plan and timeline
   *   Discussion on making this accessible as early preview to non-Eclipse developers as the current code requires running from source. The early version is already quite
      *   Likely this will happen as part of migrating the code into the Eclipse CDT project where it can be made available on<> as a p2 site.
      *   Action: Jonah to help facilitate this, probably in alignment with migration plan
   *   Roadmap of CDT for LSP discussed, including items such as:
      *   AST support going forward, clangd provides some AST extensions, can this be exposed to front end in CDT?
      *   Codan support, can Codan and clangd exist simultaneously?
      *   CMake / clangd project natures
      *   Smart importer
      *   Action: Jonah to build on the TODO section in the README<> to give visibility to interested parties what can and what will be done

Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders<>

On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 21:52, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello folks,

We have our CDT Monthly call tomorrow / today (Depending when you read this). See you all then.

CDT Monthly Call March 8 2023

   *   Location: [:computer:]  Zoom Meeting<> (full details below<>)
   *   Date: March 8, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) (Calendar/ICS<>)
   *   Agenda

   1.  Welcome and sign yourself in
   2.  Actions from last meeting
   3.  CDT 11.1.0 status
   4.  Eclipse CDT LSP - LSP based C/C++ Editor<>
   5.  Any other business?

   *   Contact: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
   *   Reference: Previous and future meetings<>

<>Connection Details

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 545 364 607
Passcode: 196590
Dial by your location find your local number:

Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders<>
cdt-dev mailing list
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