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Re: [cdt-dev] Gerrit triggers on commit message change?

Am Fr., 8. Mai 2020 um 16:14 Uhr schrieb Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Fri, 8 May 2020 at 08:17, 15 knots <fifteenknots505@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Am Fr., 8. Mai 2020 um 13:11 Uhr schrieb Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Yes, that is what I use with jenkins@work, too. I also enabled the 'silent start' option to get rid of the annoying 'Build started' messages in gerrit.

I have changed to silent start mode to try it out. I am very used to seeing those start messages and for example use them to check if the (relatively) short running code cleanliness has passed/failed before all the other reports are back in, so it may be an adjustment for me (and others :-).

Thanks for enabling silent mode!
My INBOX as well as the gerrit history no longer clutters up with 'Build started' messages. This makes it a lot easier to focus on the relevant review messages.

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