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Re: [cdt-dev] Globals in Variables view

Hi Alena,

I believe the global variables feature was dropped in DSF due to performance problems - it just called "info variables" underneath which could take a long time to run for large programs. We (Mentor Graphics) actually did some work in GDB to support more efficient querying so that the IDE could filter the results based on object or source file. This work was not submitted upstream but it's on our plan to do so in the near future. I'll keep you posted on any updates.


On 1 December 2014 at 09:51, Alena Laskavaia <elaskavaia.cdt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After we switched to DSF our customers continuously complain that they cannot
add global variables into that view anymore. If there a specific reason why it is not supported
in DSF gdb? Generic complain that they don't want two views to deal with Variables and _expression_, they want all stuff in one view.

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