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Re: [cdt-dev] Managed Build System ToolChain Extension

On 21 February 2011 22:09, wwarren <wwarren@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.BuildException: Plug-in
> "com.emacinc.sdk.v2" was unable to instantiate class
> "com.emacinc.sdk.v2.EMACTextParser".

This is a generic Runtime error when for some reason the class can't
be loaded.  What's different between your page class vs. your
operations class? Perhaps there are some additional dependencies that
aren't part of your plugin but not marked as required in the manifest?
 A google turns up examples like:
Check your dependencies are setup correctly, and failing that set a
breakpoint in the code and try to trace down why the class can't be


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