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[cdt-dev] Launch

Anyway :). I'm going to stick to technical issues here for a while.

I just tried gdb 7.0.1 for mingw and it seems to work fine. I'll focus on that for the next little while and see how it goes.

Now, for the last incarnation of Wascana, I created a MinGW debugger for CDI that managed finding the gdb executable. I did that by defining a CDebugger that subclassed the GDBDebugger and the set the buildIdPattern element in the CDebugger extension to refer to the mingw toolchain. In a somewhat hokey manner, the launch shortcut and the debugger tab picked the default CDebugger based on the active build configuration that way, and everything just magically worked.

I'm hoping to do the same for DSF/GDB. Any hints at where I should start?


BTW, does the Windows gdb 7 support all the same fancy features as on Linux? In my early investigation of 7, there seemed to be some features that weren't supported.

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