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Re: [cdt-dev] Upcoming CDT Service Release and OS X Debugging.


This is very good news! I will definitely help with patches and testing. Even without having the new set of services, there is bug 250037 which contains a patch affecting both CDI and DSF-GDB. I'm pretty sure this can be applied to 6.0.2. I can strip out the CDI stuff if that's better.

Also, maybe it would be a good idea to have a wiki page with details of each Apple gdb versions? I'm thinking MI commands, output, etc.



On 10-01-05 12:40 PM, Marc Khouzam wrote:

Mike is right that we agreed on a way forward for debugging with
OS X.  Here is what we agreed on.

First, fixing things for CDI is tricky because there is not
really any active committers working on CDI.  This is not just
for OS X, but for CDI in general.

So, to get OS X debugging working, we'd like to help the community
move away from CDI and towards DSF-GDB.  We hope that if patches are
written for DSF-GDB, they will have a better chance of being committed.
To make this easier still, Pawel had the good idea of creating a set
of services specific to Apple's version of GDB.  This will allow
to commit patches specific to OS X without affecting other GDB versions.
I have opened to track that effort.  I will
try to have a patch ready this week.

Once that is ready, it will be up to the interested members of the
community to try debugging with DSF-GDB and OS X and getting patches

Let's try to have DSF-GDB debugging properly on OS X for Helios.


-----Original Message-----
From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Michael Jackson
Sent: January-05-10 12:14 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: [cdt-dev] Upcoming CDT Service Release and OS X Debugging.

  From the CDT conference call today it seems that there is a
plan going forward to shape up the OS X Debugging experience.
I'll let someone else run through the details as my notes are
shaky at best.
But what I did take away from the call is that the
implementation may take some time? With the next service
release coming up I would be curious if the non-DSF patches
could be committed so at least some of the major debugging
"Bugs" are fixed for the next service release?

    Thoughts and comments? The slow start up of the debugger
and the thread-info seem like pretty low hanging fruit.

    Also, from the call it sounds like some of the issues with
supporting OS X is not lack of hardware (someone on the call
mentioned they use CDT on their Mac) but the lack of
Developer time to check patches, review code and/or actually
debug issues? Is that a fair statement?

Mike Jackson                  mike.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BlueQuartz Software          
Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio

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