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[cdt-dev] Browse to a folder instead of an file using the template engine



I want to be able to select a folder from my local drive and add it to the source locations as a linked folder in a new project wizard page. In my template I added the following property:




label="Components root"

description="Select components root"







The problem now is that I can’t select a folder in the browse dialog that appears, I can only select a file. How can I change this behaviour? Or do I have to implement a folder browse dialog on my own?




Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
Management Board: Dr. Klaus Blickle (Chairman), Dr. Udo Hüls, Michael Mauser, Regis Baudot
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Ansgar Rempp | Domicile: Karlsbad |
Local Court Mannheim: Register No. 361395
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