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[cdt-dev] AST/Model changes in 4.0

Emanuel Graf wrote:
Hi Alan,

Checkout the CDT 3.1 Branch. HEAD compiles against Eclipse 3.3M5.


Thanks! I seen in 3.1there is no ITranslationUnit.getAST(). Is there an alternative way to track down the AST for a compilation unit in 3.1 or do I need to roll forward to eclipse 3.3?

I need to find out for a given translation unit:
- what types does it refer to
- for each type does it need a full declaration or would a forward decl suffice? - for each type that that was included from a header, which header did it come from?

I think I need the AST for this but I'm still very unclear on the division of responsibilities between the AST hierarchy and the CElement hierarchy. Any hints much appreciated.


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