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[cdt-dev] Cygwin gdb refuses to be killed

Well, nobody likes to be killed, after all.
Here is the scenario:
- I am setting up a remote debug session. I use org.eclipse.cdt.debug.mi.core.MIPlugin.createCSession(String, String, File, int, String[], File, String, IProgressMonitor) to create the MISession. In cases where the connection to the debug target fails the MITargetSelect.getMIInfo() method throws a MIException which is caught like this:
  } catch (MIException e) {
   throw e;
pgdb.destroy() ultimately causes the Spawner to send some signals to the gdb process, but gdb does not like those. The gdb process remains in memory and causes 100% system load. I have to kill it off manually with the task manager.
Here is a quick hacky workaround:
  } catch (MIException e) {
   try {
   } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
   throw e;
So if I ask gdb nicely to quit it works fine.
A clean solution needs some polishing and can't just call waitFor() without any precautions, but I'd like to put up two questions:
1) Anybody experience similar problems?
2) Wouldn't it be good to implement the create*Session() methods in a way so that we first ask gdb to quit nicely before trying to kill it?
3) Other suggestions how this can be fixed?
Thanks for reading this far. I have created for the discussion.
Norbert Ploett

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