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Re: [cdt-dev] Feb. Monthly Call

guys didn't post your presentations on the wiki, or this would be

Sorry about that. You can grab it (and the paper) from my web page - - but I'll try to copy it over to the wiki too...

2.  Jeff wanted to introduce a couple of interfaces that allow adding a
new "language" to CDT.  After the conference, Doug had a proposal for

The whole point of this was (1) to make Fortran source files "valid" CDT source files as far as the user can tell, and more importantly, (2) to allow us to reuse the CDT Outline view. If we can make our files show up in the Make Projects view, and if we can steal the Outline view in our editor, that is all we need, and, frankly, all that we will actually use.

I think Doug's work gets us part way there, but I honestly haven't had time to look at it yet...

For what it's worth, language-agnostic extensions to the CEditor and PDOM, for example, sound potentially useful to other languages, but I don't expect that we will take advantage of them. The indexer: maybe. Basically, we are trying to focus away from the UI and work on refactoring stuff as much as possible so Spiros and I can graduate by the end of the decade. :-)

As for the perspective, projects, etc....

After the conference, I suggested that some UI elements should remain
language specific (e.g. project wizards).  This was not agreed to.  The
suggestion was to make the UI language independent and use the term
"CDT" in the UI (where exactly what CDT stands for would be determined
later...).  Is that where we are on this issue?

...I don't know where we ended up on this. This is Craig's area anyway. My personal opinion is that a unified CDT Perspective and Standard Make project should remain language-neutral, and I don't have enough knowledge about MBS to make a call on Managed Make projects.

I will try to look at Doug's stuff and submit a reasonable patch for further Core changes probably in March after things become slightly less hellish around here.


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