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[cdt-dev] plugin into the cdt MBS

Hello list,

i want to improve the scons eclipse plugin from Lothar Wezlinger

As scons uses the gnu toolchain for compiling/ linking.., many of the
interfaces of the cdt MBS could be reused. If i understand the MBS
reference guide correctly, only a special makefile generator must be

Lothar recreate all the needed user interfaces for his plugin, and also
don´t use the  org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ManagedBuildInfo
extension at all. This attempt don´t provide (for example) the built in
include path parsing, or the binary parsing, that the cdt plugin provide.
It confuse the user with two different build interfaces, and lacks also
some switches, that the cdt build system provide.

In the effort to ease the further development of the plugin, i would like
to ask some questions:

1. Should i rebuild the needed interface for scons with the 
org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ManagedBuildInfo extension? Or would
it be better to construct only the specific makefile generator, and reuse
all the cdt infrastructur?

2. Exist there a design document for the cdt, with a highlevel view of the
plugin? Eg., cdt.core.XXX provide function a, module b provide XXX..

3. Where i find the xml-definition for the UI of the cdt MBS? For example,
for the build property page in ch. 3.2 of the "MBS Extensibility

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Henning Westerholt

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