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[cdt-dev] Managed Make Builder configurations

I'm working around Managed Make Builder (MMB) Build configurations. Below I try to describe briefly the problem how I understand it and possible approach. In MMB, configuration is now one-dimention element (its only parameter is variant - debug/release/custom_variants). It could be useful (for cross-platform development especially) to have more configuration parameters such as build target architecture, target OS etc. So in MMB schema for abstract build targets I would like to have a set of attributes (such as CPU, OS, Variant, make target binary type - so, a, exe). This set of attributes can be different for different abstract build targets (for example, VC target maybe does not care about target OS and CPU). Each particular build configuration references to one of defined abstract build targets and can be distinguished by combination of inherited attributes, for example

Configuration_1: Linux/X86/Shared Lib/Debug
Configuration_2: Linux/x86/Archive/MyVariant

Attributes and their values also define configuration definition dialog layout.

It seems to be important because each attribute impacts all tool chain, not only compiler or linker, so it should be defined on the configuration level.

I don't want to describe now the details of possible solution. I just was wondering if this can be interesting to anybody else. If nobody care about that, I'll be looking for other way that doesn't impact existing MMB schema and API.


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