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Re: [cdt-dev] Two more suggestions for CDT 2.0 Managed Build functionality

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> A question about the "beefing of the Standard Make Plugin"...will the 
> improved features (code complete and hover in particular) be based on the 
> same information if you were using the managed make? 

Yes/No. 8-)

Yes, meaning the Makefile will be parsed, the parsed information is save
and made available to you when you hit CTRL-SPACE or CTRL-SHIFT-SPACE for hovering.
It will provide the outliner  etc ..
This will be provided whether or not it is the managed builder or the std make builder.

No, things can get very complex for a GNU Makefile using all the GNU extensions.
ifdef, elif, static patterns, includes etc ...
and users will want to filter the parsed information depending on the value
of the macro ...

Work in Progress to make this available to all, including the managed builder
if it needs it.  To do this we like to consider Make/Makefile as compiler/Language that
deserve the same treatement as C/C++ in term of management(plugin developement).

> The assumption that you fill in the include paths, symbol definitions etc. 
> and the parser populates the appropriate content to provide these 
> features. Or is it something separate from that which would be used by a 
> managed make project?


It seems at first glance there are some overlaps, but I consider the managed
builder like Model that for now happens to use Makefile as generated outpus
but certainly not focus on Makefiles.  When the make plugins are entirely
focus on Makefiles.

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