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Re: [cdt-debug-dev] CDT Debug issue

This is not a group for users. You should post to the newsgroup.

However, *No symbol "new" in current context.* is not an error. It is caused by Eclipse trying to provide context information on the symbol under the mouse cursor. It does this in a dumb fashion by just trying to perform a (gdb) lookup on any word that is under the cursor (it could be a comment, a symbol, anything). If a valid response is received, it displays it. You are seeing gdb report that it is not a vlid symbol.

Avinash Sawant wrote:
Hi ,

   I installed setup for ARM hardware using YAGARTO and Eclipse.

I have interface between eclips and ARM as
  PC Eclips -> CDT debug -> BDI 3000 -> ARM Board

when I debug it I got the error as
*No symbol "new" in current context.*

Has anyone of you came across this error earlier.

For your reference attached the log of console window here. I am not gettting where I am going wrong can you help me to solve the issue with the ARM hardware debug. Thanks a lot .. !!

83-gdb-set confirm off



84-gdb-set width 0



85-gdb-set height 0



86-interpreter-exec console echo



87-gdb-show prompt

87^done,value="(gdb) "


88-gdb-set new-console on

No symbol "new" in current context.

&"No symbol \"new\" in current context.\n"

88^error,msg="No symbol \"new\" in current context."


89 target remote <>

target remote <>

&"target remote\n"

&" <>: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.\n" <>: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

89^error,msg=" <>: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."


90 monitor reset run

&"monitor reset run\n"

monitor reset run

&"\"monitor\" command not supported by this target.\n"

"monitor" command not supported by this target.

90^error,msg="\"monitor\" command not supported by this target."


91 monitor delay 3000

&"monitor delay 3000\n"

&"\"monitor\" command not supported by this target.\n"

monitor delay 3000

"monitor" command not supported by this target.

91^error,msg="\"monitor\" command not supported by this target."


92 monitor halt

&"monitor halt\n"

&"\"monitor\" command not supported by this target.\n"

92^error,msg="\"monitor\" command not supported by this target."



monitor halt

"monitor" command not supported by this target.




94-environment-directory D:/yagarto_ARM_BDI/workspace/STR7Test D:/yagarto_ARM_BDI/workspace/STR7Test/.dep D:/yagarto_ARM_BDI/workspace/STR7Test/.settings D:/yagarto_ARM_BDI/workspace/STR7Test/inc D:/yagarto_ARM_BDI/workspace/STR7Test/prj D:/yagarto_ARM_BDI/workspace/STR7Test/src



95 info threads

&"info threads\n"

&"No registers.\n"

95^error,msg="No registers."











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