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RE: [cdt-debug-dev] Regsiter gorups in CDT

Alan, Mikhail,

This is the direction I was trying to go as well in my previous two e-mails.  


>>> The Eclipse Debug model defines the register groups and that's why the GUI is based on a tree view. CDT inserts

>>> only one group Main. Looks like it is a limitation of the GDB interface.


>>> Can you guys give me some thoughts of possible enhancing the CDT so it can show multiple groups with the

>>> limitation of the current version of the MI interface. I was thinking in the line of coding the group name

>>> in the "main:pc", "group2:reg3" or something like that.


>>> From a design point I see two options:

>>> 1. Ask the debugger about its register groups.

>>> 2. Assume the processor groups are entirely Eclipse feature and don’t get the debugger involved in it.

>>> I lean toward 1 and here is why…


Can you guys introduce yourself?

Looks to me that Alan owns the Register View and Mikhail the GDB integration.

I am currently trying to figure out how to add processor groups through GDB and to contribute that code to CDT.



The problem I have is that I don’t see a command in MI that deals with registry groups.

Is it possible for CDT to define a way so GDB implementers that feel that this feature is valuable will conform to the CDT extension?

If it is well defined I think there will be GDB implementers in the embedded space that will follow and integrate this feature.

Or may be we can add this feature in MI interface, it has been there but not implemented if I am correct.

For GDBs that don’t deal will groups the Main group will be added by default as in the current implementation.

Or may be another suggestion – if the registered returned by GDB have special symbol we can treat that as group separator – “main::pc”, “group2::reg3”.


Please advise.




-----Original Message-----
From: cdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alan Boxall
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 10:37 AM
To: cdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cdt-debug-dev] Regsiter gorups in CDT


In R3.0 there is a Register view in the core (org.eclipse.debug.ui) that supports groups.
I have moved from my plugin's register view (that supported groups) to the core register view and it works.
The IStackFrame interface will allow your stackframe to return register groups (IRegisterGroup) and in turn register groups can return registers (IRegister).
I don't want register groups added in any way that will make them persistent.   My debug plugin supports many different platforms and cpu architectures and must build the list of registers and groups dynamically.    As the user clicks on each debug target in the debug view it must populate the register's view based on the current target.

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