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Re: [cbi-dev] Problems building Eclipse Platform from the R4_3_maintance branch

On 19/02/14 03:34 PM, Phil Mason wrote:
and also can you confirm you've run the commands:  git clean -fdx ...
I do run those commands but I'm not sure if that is needed as I'm doing a fresh clone of the source each time I try to build at present
Ok thanks, I'll try that too just to be sure.

The attached script reproduces a build that fails on my system and I think I've removed anything that makes it specific to my world. The only assumption it makes is that there is a folder called eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator containing the source.
Thanks I'll take a look at the script to see if it's useful in reproducing.

Also, should I be able to checkout tags and build them? If I do the clone and then "git checkout R4_3; git submodule update" before the running the clean commands you supplied and then running mvn things fail with this message

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession.getRepositorySession()Lorg/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystemSession;
        at org.eclipse.tycho.core.maven.utils.PluginRealmHelper.execute(

and that seems to be the same for whatever tag I check out. I'd like to do this if I could because really I want to be able to reproduce the 4.3 release build rather than tracking the maintenance branch.

Yes, checking out tags should work. It worked for me but you might run into issues with the license repo since it has changed location. You will need to modify the eclipse-platform-parent/pom.xml file and change this line:


The part I bolded is what you need to change it to.

As for your exception I'm not sure what that is, is there more to the log than that part?


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