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[bpel-dev] Re: question about Eclipse BPEL status


Find my questions in line.

sam wang wrote:
Hi, Michal,

sorry to interrupt you. I posted several emails to developer's mail list. however, I just received
your response about one of my questions. since I can not find any answer through the website or
mail list, I really appreciate if you could give me some hint about the following two questions.

first question, can the BPEL file generated by the current BPEL designer run or not? that is, how
about the BPEL engine in the current BPEL project? if it can not run through Eclipse BPEL engine,
can it run under other BPEL engines? such as Apache's ODE or Oracle's BPEL engine? (the same
question is that if the file generated by the current BPEL designer exactly conforms to BPEL
specification. because I know some BPEL designer will put their own stuff into the result, such as
ActiveBPEL. although it can be run under its own BPEL engine, it can not be run under other BPEL
engines since the result is not a standard BPEL file.)
Yes it can. There are people that have done this. But running it does not mean just having the engine pick it up and run it. Deployment is a little more complicated then that and usually is engine dependent. There are bindings or deployment specific information that needs to be written to a deployment descriptor ... or just packaging things into something that the engine understands as "runnable" - but as far as I know the source is 2.0 compatible and runs.
second question, is there any chance that the Eclipse BPEL project can be run as a stand alone
application instead of Eclipse plug-in?
Eclipse has a RCP which does not include the entire dev environment which you typically use. The designer has dependency on WSDL, XSD, EMF, etc and as long as you can satify them in an RCP application I suppose it can can be done.

Aptana, the javascript html editor for web abbs is a great example of an eclipse RCP application.


I know you must be very busy and any suggestion or hint will be greatly appreciated!

____________________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives answers, not web links.

Michal Chmielewski, CMTS, Oracle Corp, W:650-506-5952 / M:408-209-9321 "Manuals ?! What manuals ? Son, it's Unix, you just gotta know."

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