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Re: [bpel-dev] Model extensibility

Hi Michal,

thanks for the encouragement! :-)

I´m just wondering how I would get a new extensionActivity (e.g. a SemanticCopyOperation)
integrated into the BPELeditor with all necessary interactions (creation, editing of properties, serialization, export into an BPR archive,...) using plugins only and not modifying any of the existing code (like Factories, Adapters, ...)

I have seen there is a package called "org.eclipse.bpel.common
.extension.model" (+ sub-packages).
I´ll probably need to use/extend this part of the BPEL project, right?

I have seen and understood the extensionPoint-examples like the paletteAddition,
but I don´t know how to use the paletteAddition plugin for custom extensionActivities like the mentioned SemanticCopyOperation.

An example of how to integrate new extension elements into the editor would be great.
If that is too much work maybe just some hints, which classes are most important, would be helpful as well.

Thanks a lot,


On 9/19/07, Michal Chmielewski <michal.chmielewski@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is an extensionActivity construct just for that reason in BPEL2.0. It allows for embedding whatever activities you may want to define. I don't think we quite licked this here yet with respect to a nice editor integration.

An alternative approach is to define another activity type and follow what the BPEL editor has done for it's activities. Look at the extensionPoints plugin in the source tree (not part of any build) that has some clues to that.

You should be able to extend the BPEL entity model as you point out and do the work in your own plugin. Clearly this is how it has be done eventually ....


Currently the process of putting a new activity in the model is slighly s
Ralf Weinand wrote:

I would like to add a custom model element to the bpel model (and via paletteExtensionpoint to the bpel editor, too).
This custom element will probably be a sequence activity which aggregates some other activities.
Is there an extension point defined to define a custom activity or do I have to modify the model itself for this purpose?
I don´t want to modify any code though, but extend the bpel editor via plugins only if possible.


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Michal Chmielewski, CMTS, Oracle Corp,
W:650-506-5952 / M:408-209-9321

"Manuals ?! What manuals ? Son, it's Unix, you just gotta know."

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