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RE: [birt-pmc] Updated BIRT 2.1 Project Plan

I'm mainly going by the Apache Tomcat website.  From the home page (
"Please note that although we offer downloads and documentation of older releases, such as Apache Tomcat 3.x and 4.x, we strongly encourage users to use the latest stable version of Apache Tomcat whenever possible"

And from their version description page for V4: (bolding is theirs, not mine)

We encourage all users to upgrade to Apache Tomcat 5.x whenever possible

If there was a problem running BIRT with tomcat 4.1, but it worked with V5.*, would you really want to put effort into fixing it?  V5.* has been out a long time. There is also active development in progress, as you can get a 5.0.30 beta.  My guess is that there are a lot of shops (like mine) that haven't committed to Java 1.5 yet and are still using 1.4.2.  While I agree that 5.0.x will likely work, I'd have to go back to tomcat 4 to be an officially supported/tested configuration.


"Paul Clenahan" <pclenahan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/30/2006 11:46 AM

Please respond to
"BIRT PMC communications (including coordination, announcements,  and Group discussions)" <birt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"BIRT PMC communications (including coordination, announcements,  and Group discussions)" <birt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Krishna Venkatraman" <kvenkatraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [birt-pmc] Updated BIRT 2.1 Project Plan

Ideally we would test all 3, but the is the hard part from a resource standpoint. The strategy of testing the lowest and highest in a range gives a fair probability that the intermediate versions will work. Hence the reason of testing 4.1.x and 5.5.x. Anticipation is that there is a fair probability that 5.0.x will "just work".
However, it sounds like from your perspective, there is no value for testing 4.1. Right?

From: birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Michael Fox
Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:39 AM
Krishna Venkatraman
RE: [birt-pmc] Updated BIRT 2.1 Project Plan

I understand the issues around resource constraints, but it just seems strange to me that we would test against tomcat V4.1, skip a very popular 5.0 version, and test again against the current V5.5. Unless there is something here I don't know about, why not drop the V4.1 and test against 5.0.28 and 5.5?  These are the versions Apache recommends.


"Krishna Venkatraman" <kvenkatraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>

03/29/2006 06:19 PM

Michael Fox/Lexington/IBM@IBMUS
RE: [birt-pmc] Updated BIRT 2.1 Project Plan

Michael and Scott,

Thanks for the feedback. I believe that we are testing against a specific version of Tomcat 4.1 and 5.5. By listing 4.1.x and 5.5.x we are saying that we expect that BIRT will work fine against all 4.1.x and 5.5.x versions. To address your question about supporting 5.0.28, resource constraints are limiting us from doing that. Additionally, the BIRT runtime will run in both 1.4.2 and 1.5 JVM, so that should not be an issue. I’ve updated the project for Supporting the Enhanced ODA Framework to remove the reference to external connection profiles. This is not going to make it into 2.1. I’ve also added a project for bugzilla ID 126109 based on Scott’s feedback.




Michael Fox [mailto:foxm@xxxxxxxxxx]
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:38 AM
Krishna Venkatraman
birt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx; birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
Re: [birt-pmc] Updated BIRT 2.1 Project Plan


A few comments:

- The App Server reference platform lists Tomcat 4.1.x and 5.5.x.  It doesn't include 5.0.x.  Why include the V4 version but not the V5.0 family?  Also, I believe that V5.5 requires the JRE V5.0 which conflicts with J2SE V1.4.2 listed elsewhere.  While you don't have to support all V5.0.x versions, at least 5.0.28 should be there.  You could probably similarly restrict the V4.1.x to 4.1.31, which is the one available on the tomcat website.  I would be hesitant to require J2SE V5, as I'd guess that there is still a lot of 1.4.2 out there.

- Under "Support Enhanced ODA Framework", does this imply that you support an externally supplied Connection? If so, this is a big feature that makes connection pooling possible. Am I reading this wrong?


"Krishna Venkatraman" <kvenkatraman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/28/2006 11:21 PM

Please respond to
"BIRT PMC communications (including coordination, announcements,  and Group discussions)" <birt-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[birt-pmc] Updated BIRT 2.1 Project Plan



Please review the attached BIRT 2.1 project plan and provide me feedback
by COB tomorrow - Wednesday. The plan is to post the plan on to
thursday morning. If there are updates after that we can incorporate these


Krishna[attachment "Project_plan_R2_1.html" deleted by Michael Fox/Lexington/IBM] [attachment "new.gif" deleted by Michael Fox/Lexington/IBM]
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