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Re: [birt-pmc] New Engine API Page


I like this page, it provides a lot of useful information and sure would have saved me a lot of time last fall when I was trying to figure this out.

- You might want to include the code you sent me yesterday to get the prompt text from a parameter. Anybody trying to do their own prompting will run into this problem.
- For the IRunTask and IRenderTask examples, you might want to present the IRunTask before IRenderTask since that is the execution sequence. Then use the report document file produced by IRunTask as input to IRenderTask, so the relationship is clear.  I would also suggest showing the IRunAndRenderTask example first, as it is the simplest and gives a natural lead in to performing the operations separately.
- What is the difference between IDataExtractionTask and IDataPreviewTask?  They both seem to get data out of a report, but it wasn't clear to me what they do differently and when I'd use one or the other.
- The javadoc has a method that accepts a parameter of type "org.eclipse.birt.core.archive.IDocArchiveWriter archive".  What is this, as I can't find a reference to it anywhere else? There also doesn't seem to be a corresponding engine.openReportDocument() method.

I also have some technical questions we can take up offline.

I had been wondering about paginated reports, and the explanation of IRunTask and IRenderTask (I've been using the combined IRunAndRenderTask) helps a lot.  Is there a way though to write the report document to a stream instead of a file?  Managing these files on a server gets tricky because you need to track them and delete them. You always seem to orphan some files and consequently never delete them.  I know keeping the report in memory can be problematic also if the reports are large and use too much virtual memory.


"Jason Weathersby" <jweathersby@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: birt-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/03/2006 03:24 PM

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Wenbin He <whe@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Stanley Wang <swang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[birt-pmc] New Engine API Page

Just wanted everyone to know we have updated the Engine API page on the BIRT website.
Take a look and provide comments._______________________________________________
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