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Re: [birt-dev] BIRT Reboot - Some questions and remarks

Hey Henning,

Thanks for your mail. Yes, your contributions are wildly appreciated:

So my questions and remarks are:

1) What is the official repository now?
Is the official repository for the source - and what is used for?

The first is the source, the second is the website.

2) I'd like to be a committer.
I'd fix the bugs listed above.

Great! Please file issues and create pull requests. The committer status will follow shortly after that.

3) I tried to fix some typos in Christophe's new web site, but "Edit this page" results in Error 404.
It should be easy for us to help improving the site.

You should fork is repo and makes changes and pull requests like usual. The "Edit this page" is WIP.

4) If I recall correctly,  the build is working again.
IMHO the very next steps should be:
4.1) Create a binary for MS Windows, enable users to download it and show how to get it running - even if it might not be perfect yet.
In this regard, is looking good already, yet a few screenshots for users would help.

There is already a binary for windows stored in the Jenkins artifacts, e.g. here:

5) Topics that should be addressed once this is done:
5.1) Support generating PDF/A (I could probably help a bit here)

5.2) Replacing iText with OpenPDF. This has already been done by someone (see and )

Can you contact them and see if they want to contribute?

6) More on PDF-Support:
6.1) Once 5 is done, it should be possible to create ZUGFeRD / Factur-X conforming invoices directly with BIRT, however this still requires coding from the report developer.
This format is a special case of PDF/A. I have done this with a PDF-postprocessor based on Apache PDFBox like this: Create a normal PDF with BIRT. The report also creates an XML file by the way. Once  the report is done, the PDF and the XML are merged into a Factur-X document.
6.2) Support creating PDF/UA (accessible PDF) - however, OpenPDF doesn't seem to support this yet.

7) Is it planned to mention companies and products *using* BIRT or only the main *contributors*?
Mentioning successful products would show the world that BIRT is used by thousands users on a daily basis (at least a few thousand users of our product).

Christophe will also create a "users" page, if not already done.

Cheers,  Wim

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