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Re: [babel-dev] Babel version 0 is live!

Title: New Page 1

Gabe, one more thing I'd like to see: documentation on the development and release process. Best if it were a wiki page. Linked from the babel web pages. What I want is enough information for anyone who wants to be a contributor to get the code, run it on their own machine (download databases? initialize demo databases? set up scripts?), make code changes, then do a CVS diff and send the patch back to us via bugzilla.

Also, I'd like there to be enough information for any Babel committer to know how to check in code (that's easy, just check it in, but explain the one minute delay and what to do if there are db schema changes, etc.) and then to deploy the staging site to the live site (what script to run? does it automatically run any tests? is there a way to back out if an error is made in deploying? etc.)

[end of message]

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