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[aspectj-users] LTWWorld Memory details

Hi All


I am looking for some clarification on memory consumption of aspectj. I am new to aspect so I don’t have clear understanding of what happens under the hood.


I am using aspectj version 1.5.3. I was running yourkit profiler on our application and found lot of memory is consumed by aspect.


After my application boots up (Forced GC):


1.       org.aspectj.weaver.ltw.LTWWorld is consuming about 41 mb

2.       org.aspectj.apache.bcel.util.ClassLoaderRepository is consuming about 21mb.


Screen Shot from YourKit :





After a while memory held drops down :


1.       org.aspectj.weaver.ltw.LTWWorld is consuming about 21 mb

2.       org.aspectj.apache.bcel.util.ClassLoaderRepository about 100kb


Screen shot from YourKit:




Total number of class loaded : 8304

Framework : Spring and Hibernate.




1.       Why is so much memory held during startup?

2.       Why so much memory is released and what is the trigger point.

3.       Is there any optimization that I can do ?




Thanks and Regards

-Aditya N Prasad


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