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[aspectj-users] can anyone help me to take a look my exceptionhandler ?

hello all,
sorry re-post this article again , because my first post is not subscription
of mailing list ,so you guys can not receive my help request, and sorry for
this inconvenience .

I'm a new aspectj starter and I want to use aspectj to handle exceptions
which thrown/catched in my testcases, but seems don't work as expect...

my code like this:
1. all the testcases in package
all the testcases include try/catch blocker to handle the exception to take
screenshot/stack trace and so on ...
example of one testcase:
public void caseName() throw exception
                //test case scenario

             }catch(Throwable t)
               captureThrowable(t) // this method to take snapshot once
exception throw

captureThrowable function like this :

protected void captureThrowable(Throwable e)
            //take snaoshot
           // take stack trace
        } catch(Throwable t)

I used testng 5.14,  aspectj 1.6.5 release

config of my pom file like this :


2. So I want to use aspectj to handle all the exceptions which
catched/thrown in my testcases

I did it like this :

public class ExceptionHandler{

 @Pointcut("execution(@org.testng.annotations.Test *
com.mycompany.myapp.qe.ui.test..*.*(..)) && (!within(ExceptionHandler))")
   public void exceptionHunting(JoinPoint jp) {


@AfterThrowing(value = "exceptionHunting(jp)", throwing = "t")
   public void monitorExceptions(JoinPoint jp, Throwable t) throws
      Signature signature = jp.getSignature();
      Logger log = LoggerHelper.getLogger(signature.getDeclaringTypeName());

      //some syntax for handle methodName and date format
      captureScreenShot(jp, date + methodName + "Error.png");   // handle
snapshot action
      captureStackTraceToErrorDir(jp, date + methodName + "Error.txt", t); 
//handle stack trace action

        private void captureScreenShot(JointPoint jp ,String fileName)
        private void captureStackTraceToErrorDir(JointPoint jp ,String
fileName, Throwable error)

but it didn't work as my expect , anyone can help me ?
if a demo base on my example will be very appreciate

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