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Re: [aspectj-users] Can non-weaved classes be removed from generated jar after ctw

Hemal Pandya wrote:
Hi  Simone,

Thanks for the quick response, Simone. If I understand right, you are
saying that the generated jar would only contain classes which have
some advices.
Nope, sorry, I didn't mean this. The target jar will contain everything on the inpath, weaved on not. I supposed you were placing on the inpath only classes which will receive and adviceand the problem was an increase in class size.
I wonder if it has something to do with the way I invoke iajc? My xml
is as follows, slightly fudged.

    <aspectj:iajc showWeaveInfo="true" Xlint="ignore" source="1.5"
outjar="${build.dir}/${}" outxml="true">
        <pathelement location="src/aj" />
        <fileset dir="${target}/lib">
          <include name="ext/ds.jar"/>
          <include name="ext/rt.jar"/>
          <include name="server.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="${target}/deploy/codegen/classes"/>
why do you need ds.jar, rt.jar and server.jar on the inpath? Are you weaving them?

Does it work removing them and leaving on the inpath only ${target}/deploy/codegen/classes ?


Simone Gianni            CEO Semeru s.r.l.           Apache Committer

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