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[aspectj-users] AspectJ and Axis

Hi folks,

i have a problem mit AspectJ in combination with Apache Axis. In my project i defined several axis endpoints like this:

public class MyServiceEndPoint implements SecurityAccess {

public LoginResult checkLogin(String client, String username, String password) throws ServiceException {



The interface SecurityAccess is a marker for an aspect called SecurityAccessController. The aspect has the following pointcut

pointcut execWithinInterface(Object controller) : within(SecurityAccess+) && execution(public !static * *(..)) && this(controller);

The around advice controls the access to methods of the endpoint.

So far everything works fine. But when i look at the auto-generated WSDL (e.g. http://myserver/services/MyService?wsdl) all parameter names of my webservices are named like in0, in1, in2 etc (compare with When i remove the implementation of the interface SecurityAccess in my endpoint class all parameters are named correctly.

In the next step i downloaded the sources of the maven aspectj plugin and searched for a debug-parameter (according to several articles on the web parameter names are only displayed when the debug option is turned on while compiling). According to the parameter "-g" should turn on debugging for the ajc. Because i didnĀ“t find such a switch i added the "-g" in the sources of the aspectj maven plugin, built my own version of the plugin and recompiled my application again (compile time weaving is used). Unfortuantely without any consequences. The parameters of my webservices are still unnamed.

Does anyone of you has an idea why the parameter names are not displayed correctly in combination with AspectJ?

Thanks for your help!

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